cnc machined prototype

The quality difference between CNC machined prototypes and 3D printed prototypes

There was a surge in the popularity of 3D printing in the past few years and everyone wanted to get a 3D printer for themselves. 3D printing is an additive manufacturing process where models are created into a three-dimensional object from a digital source file. The basic principle of operation in 3D printing is that layers are stacked upon each other till we achieve the desired result.

cnc machined prototype
cnc machined prototype

But if you are looking for production of any functional parts for yourself, then there is yet another manufacturing technique which has been employed in business for many years now. It is CNC. Computer Numerical Control or CNC is a contradiction to the process of 3D printing. This is a subtractive manufacturing technique. This means that we start with a block of metal and keep subtracting its volume till we reach our desired shape. This is achieved using various tools and cutters.

If you are looking for manufacturing of parts of any kind and cannot decide which prototyping process is suited best for you, then this article helps you with your problem. We will discuss the various differences in quality of materials manufactured from a CNC machine and a 3D printer.

  1. CNC machines are adept at producing a high dimensional accuracy and produce parts which possess better mechanical properties. The cuts are cleaner in the case of CNC because most of these machines employ the use of Laser cutters which provide very accurate cuts.

On the other hand, 3D printing also provides with good dimensional accuracy, but they differ from what CNC machines produce. In the end, it all depends on the industrial applications of the manufactured prototypes.

  1. The materials used in both the processes are different too. The preferred material with CNC machines is almost always metals, though it can also be used with thermoplastics and other materials.

The preferred materials in 3D printers are mostly plastics and metals are usually not used with them. Basically, the materials which are very difficult to machine by the CNC machines are used with 3D printers.

  1. The complexity in the design of models also plays a differentiating role in both of these processes. Usually, CNC machines are not preferred when we have obtained complex designs of a prototype. It can take a toll on the structure and the quality of the prototype.

This is where 3D printers prove their usefulness. No design is complex for them and they can produce highly complex structures.

  1. The prototypes printed by a 3D printer can sometimes give rough curvatures. This is due to the fact that the prototype is built from layer after layer and when there is a curvature to build, layer lines may be visible which gives a rough look. This, however, can be corrected in the post-processing, but it is easily visible in the raw production of the prototype.

On the other hand, cuts from a CNC machine are clean and precise and does not require much post processing to smooth out uneven surfaces.

If you are also looking to manufacture prototypes for your use and cannot decide how to do this, then I strongly recommend you to visit rapid prototyping company in China. Chinese prototype manufacturers are devoted to turn your conception into reality and offer cutting-edge prototyping services and tools.

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